Importance of Google Search Console

Post by 
Adriana Linbaker
August 20, 2021

hat is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free platform that provides webmasters with resources to track keyword rankings, troubleshoot page experience issues, submit sitemaps and perform other key actions for higher SEO performance. It also allows site owners to monitor their website's organic traffic so they can make informed decisions about how best optimize it according to the demands of major search engines like Google.

In order to ensure our clients rank higher in Google search results, We encourage clients to create a Google Search Console account and add us as primary user.

Top benefits of using Google Search Console

1. Monitors 100% of keywords

The major value proposition of any SEO agency is to help their clients rank for multiple keyword searches that bring qualified traffic. Achieving higher search engine rankings can produce a significant increase in the number visitors on your website, which will result in increased revenue and more importantly improved conversions. But not having a 100% complete picture of keyword rankings means that SEO agencies can’t show their clients all the work they are doing to improve search engine visibility. SEO agency managers may have no problem showing how much time and money has been invested in an online marketing campaign, but without knowing where it ranks on Google's list for specific keywords, this is just speculation with little meaning.

Popular SEO software like Ahrefs and Semrush use bots to scrape the SERPs for keyword rankings data. Theses can only see about 30-40% of a given website's keywords that rank on page 1, but they are still an important tool in competitive analysis because these tools also show things such as backlinks, anchor text distribution, and Adwords competition (even though SEMRush does not).Google Search Console is a tool that your agency should be using to monitor the keywords on which clients’ sites rank. This feature offers detailed data about all of their keyword rankings, including short-tail and long-tail phrases that bring in visitors who are likely potential customers for them.

Google Search Console can help you identify low hanging fruit opportunities with high conversion rates among Google users by showing what they search for when looking online businesses like yours.

2. Daily Updates

For high search volume queries, those bots scrape SERPs more frequently. But for the less popular keywords with fewer searches per month, they are updated far less often in order to preserve their efficiency and avoid wasting time on irrelevant results.  SEOs can use this to their advantage, as it enables them to catch trends more quickly. SEOs should take note of the temporal search patterns and adjust their SEO strategies accordingly.  Google Search Console is a powerful tool that provides daily rankings updates. This feature proves to your clients the value of SEO services because they can see instant success and will have more confidence in you as their vendor.

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that can help you track your website’s performance in Google search results. Here are some of the top benefits of using Google Search Console:

- You can see how often your website appears in Google search results, and which keywords people are using to find your site.

- You can track clicks and impressions for your website, and see how this changes over time.

- You can submit your sitemap to Google, so that they can index your pages more effectively.

- If there are any problems with your website’s appearance in search results, you can use Search Console to troubleshoot them.

Overall, using Google Search Console can help you to improve your website’s visibility and performance in Google search results. If you haven’t already started using it, we recommend that you set it up for your site today.

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