2022 SEO Trends: What to Look Forward To

Post by 
Adriana Linbaker
January 3, 2022

n 2022, the world will be a very different place. We might not even be using the internet as we do now. But one thing that is likely to remain constant is SEO trends and what they mean for your future business success. This article will share with you some of the top predictions for SEO in 2022 and how these changes can affect your marketing strategies moving forward.

Is SEO still relevant in 2022 (or the next 12 months)? Absolutely! It's gotten more sophisticated, its focus has changed from keyword stuffing to user intent. But it'll be here for sure--so how do we beat Google at their own game? Let’s take a deep dive into the five most significant trends that you need ahead of time if your company wants to make top rankings by quarter two or three before they change everything again:

Trend #1: Algorithms

Google's algorithm has been evolving for years but never before had it mattered so much what people were saying. With the release of BERT in 2019 and its ability to understand relationships between words and intent behind a search query; Google was able to make voice assistants serve users better than ever by employing NLP technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence)-powered language translation tools or keyword prediction algorithms that can understand both spoken word queries as well written sentences.

BERT was only the beginning, as Google announced a new model for interpreting and servicing its users during their I/O 2021 conference. They called it MUM- Multitask United Model or UM in short text form 

The presentation by Will Thomas became one that would shape how we think about AI technology today: multitasking AIs for different tasks with equal concern; humans are not obsolete yet but rather supplementing human capabilities through these intelligent agents who can complete any job better than us.

Google’s AI model, MUM will help you find what you are looking for with one conversational query. It understands the user's feelings and context of their question to provide relevant answers that are unique just for them

Trend #2: LaMDA: Google Wants to Talk to You

When it comes to SEO trends, you might have heard of voice search and the importance of optimizing for user questions. Google has only begun changing its algorithm in response; this is because they want their technology can talk back with people by using artificial intelligence (AI), or “speaking” as some would say. During I/O last week at Mountain View HQ(Googleplex) an application called LaMDA has announced: a language model designed specifically for dialogue applications built on Transformer - google's own neural network architecture.

What if you could use your search engine to figure out what people were really trying to say?

Mum is a wonderful tool for understanding the emotions and intent behind every webpage, but it can't do anything with all of those words. Thankfully there's LaMDA: A Conversational Search Engine that takes everything in users' queries as input—and then uses machine learning algorithms (among other things) like natural language processing, data mining & analysis...to give back insights about their feelings!

LaMDA is only a part of Google’s entire strategy. You can expect bigger and more advanced AI models that use conversational queries to find pages and rank them. If you haven’t started optimizing your website for voice search, the time is now. 

Trend #3: Shopping Graph: Google Takes Online Shopping Seriously 

With the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping became a way of life for many. Shopify and Amazon were two companies that took advantage of this trend in particular by thriving financially while others did as well or even surpassed expectations with their financial results. However it wasn’t until recently when Google finally started taking its capabilities seriously; they created “Shopping Search Engine" which has been gaining momentum over time since launching back then without being too popular just like how other competitors such as Facebook's Instagram Stories have become so quickly due to user demand because people wanted more ways other than historic photographs posted on family walls anymore - now there are visuals & dynamic video content instead

Google also expanded its partnership with Shopify, allowing its 1.7 million merchants to feature their products across Google’s ecosystem, leading to a “70% increase in the size of our product catalog and an 80% increase in merchants on our platform.”

Trend #4: Passage Ranking

In recent times, achieving rank number one for any search query has become harder due to the newer "zero-rank" position and increased competition by other sites vying for top results. Fortunately, Google created a solution that will help frustrated SEO professionals get their desired outcomes without all this hassle!

Google announced a new ranking system called “passage indexing” in December 2020 that allows web pages to rank highly for specific passages instead of the whole webpage. The feature was activated this past February, and it now goes by its original name-"passages."

Google is now using a new algorithm to give more weighting towards signals from keywords and other "stronger" indicators on the page. This means that they will take into account things such as titles or headings in order for you to see what results were most relevant when someone searches your keyword!

Trend #5: Core Web Vitals

The days of optimizing a page for one keyword and building links to it as the main way of ranking them are long gone. SEO still depends significantly on on-site optimization, but they're not alone in what makes up your site's overall experience anymore - with new member Page Experience coming into play! This new factor from Google defines perception; "a set of signals that measure how users perceive an interactive web page beyond its pure information value."

The most important element in Google's latest algorithm update is Core Web Vitals, which measures how quickly your page loads and provides you with a better chance to rank on top searches.

The new system also takes into account other factors such as dwell time for users who arrive via search engine results pages (SERPs) or clicking through links from those listings; load speed across different devices including desktop computers but not mobile phones.

The most prominent element in its new page experience update is Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics that measure a page’s load speed from a user experience perspective:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance. Google recommends aiming for an LCP under 2.5 seconds after a page starts to load.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Measures interactivity. Google recommends an FID of less than 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures visual stability. Google recommends a CLS score of less than 0.1.

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